Research Matters

Exploring treatment options for COVID-19

Exploring treatment options for COVID-19

With the world now reaching over 300 million confirmed cases since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic the urgency to find a cure is ever present. Al Jalila Foundation is dedicated to supporting the global fight against COVID-19 and has invested in several vital research studie... Read more

Emirati researcher leads the fight on obesity

Emirati researcher leads the fight on obesity

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified obesity as one of the top five mortality risks globally and is targeted for priority action as it is responsible for 5% of deaths associated with non-communicable diseases. In high-income countries more than 50% of adults are overweight... Read more

Identifying susceptibility to diabetes after pregnancy

Identifying susceptibility to diabetes after pregnancy

Approximately one in five women develop gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, which has serious complications for both baby and mother, but fortunately reverses after delivery. Women with this condition are at seven-fold higher risk of developing adult diabetes within 7-10 yea... Read more

Research is the answer to curing breast cancer

Research is the answer to curing breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women affecting 1 in 8 women and studies show the average age of diagnosis in the UAE is 10 years younger than elsewhere in the world. In efforts to fight breast cancer, Al Jalila Foundation invested in an important study with Dr Farah Benye... Read more

Researcher evaluates the effect of smoking on health

Researcher evaluates the effect of smoking on health

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of non-infectious disease deaths worldwide. Globally, and in the Middle East, cigarette smoking and alternative forms of tobacco smoking such as shisha and dokha has attracted serious public health concern. Professor Sausan Al Kawas from Universi... Read more

Scientist explores effects of oxytocin on heart disease

Scientist explores effects of oxytocin on heart disease

According to the World Heart Federation over 17 million people die from cardiovascular disease annually making it the leading causes of death globally. It is also the primary cause of death in the UAE contributing to 30% of fatalities. To tackle this problem, Al Jalila Foundation funds ... Read more

Pioneering breast cancer treatment

Pioneering breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and by funding breast cancer research, Al Jalila Foundation is enabling UAE-based scientist Dr Mawieh Hamad from University of Sharjah to ‘evaluate the anti-carcinogenic potential of biologically-driven intracellular iron depletion’ a... Read more

Finding therapies to manage colorectal cancer

Finding therapies to manage colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer and the second highest cause of cancer deaths in the UAE. To tackle the issue, Al Jalila Foundation awarded a research grant to Dr Maha Saber-Ayad, a medical Pharmacologist from the College of Medicine at University of Sharjah, to... Read more

Scientist aims to give freedom to epilepsy patients

Scientist aims to give freedom to epilepsy patients

According to the World Health Organization epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases affecting people of all ages globally. It is estimated that up to 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure-free if properly diagnosed and treated. Al Jalila Foundation resear... Read more

Emirati autism expert paves the way for future advancements

Emirati autism expert paves the way for future advancements

According to the World Health Organization an estimated one in 160 children worldwide has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Based on these statistics, there is a need to better understand the unique genetic causes of Autism as well as the pattern of treatment sought by parents of child... Read more